April Minutes

Posted by on April 8, 2014

Nevis Trail Blazer’s Snowmobile Club Meeting 4/5/14 

         Meeting called to order by President Bill Bennett at 7:01 PM with 15 members present.


  1. Secretary’s report:

    Sandy Drury motioned to accept the report

    Seconded by Joel Hailey  -passed



  1. Treasurer’s report:

Florelle Johnson motioned to approve Treasurer’s Report

Seconded by Carl Drury -passed.


  1. Correspondence:

    -Thank you from Kent and Lind Schulte


  1. Committees:

    Trail Committees

    -It was a long and cold winter.  We groomed from 12/5/13-3/10/14 and put 470hrs on the groomer and groomed 4,048 miles using 2517 gallons of fuel.  The Tucker is ready to go once the new one has arrived.


  2. Membership:

    -Business will be completed and will be sent out now and again in the fall. One change will be that there will be 1 option for sponsorships.

  3. Old Business:

    -Cross Country race  is on the calender for next year 1/31/15.  Our race was voted Race Of The Year at the Race End of the Year Banquet.

    -Northwoods bank will be used for financing of the new groomer.

    -The trail side lunch was held but the numbers were low.

    -A motion was made to use Northwoods Bank to finance the purchase of the new groomer.

Motioned by Joel Hailey, Seconded by Tom Ritter- Passed

–The trail location signs are being looked into by the DNR.  This may be something that the club would have to do.

  1. New Business:

    -We will be loosing 1.2 miles of trail next year near the Heartland and Cass County Line.  The DNR advised us to locate somewhere on another trail to make up the mileage lost from the trail.

    -A motion was made to contact someone to check on making up trail maps for our trails.  Motioned by Gene Johnson, seconded by Tom Ritter- Passed

-Updated bylaws were signed.  Changes were made removing the Finance committee and the Fundraising committee.  Special committees will be issued by the President or the club for special events.  Carl Drury motioned to accept the amended bylaws, seconded by Chuck Rice- Passed

-Carl Drury motioned to nominate Bill Bennett for second term to President. Seconded by Florelle Johnson- Passed

-Bill Bennette was elected to his second term as Club President

-The trail committee will stay the same for upcoming year.

The community meal is scheduled for October 30th 2014.

-It was brought up that Wal Mart has battery powered trimmers on sale for use on clearing brush on the trails.  Jarod Andersen motioned to spend up to $200 on the trimmer and batteries. Seconded by Sandy Drury- Passed

A  Motion was made to adjourn meeting by Sandy Drury

Seconded by Kent Schulte


Meeting was adjourned at 7:51pm

Next meeting: 10/4/14                 Reminder– Pot Luck 10/4/14 at 6pm before the meeting

If you have any questions feel free to contact:

President: Bill Bennett   218-652- 4144    Bennett@arvig.net

Treasure: Richard Mosbo    218-732-0415

Secretary: Jarod Andersen   jarodandersen715@gmail.com



Web Site www.nevistrailblazers.com

Email       nevistrailblazers@gmail.com


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